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About Me

I'm a licensed traditional Chinese medical doctor, orginally from Canada, who practices in Beijing.


After graduating from McMaster University in 2002, I came to China to learn more about my ancestral land. By chance, I met Dr. Wang Ju-yi , which completely changed my life. I went from being a patient to becoming a student of Chinese medicine.

In 2012, I graduated from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with a degree in Chinese Medicine. From 2008 to 2017 I apprenticed with Wang Ju-yi, and was his full-time assistant from 2012-2017.  


I helped compile Wang Ju-yi’s Applied Channel Theory Clinical Case Studies (2014). I was also one of the main contributors to Dr. Wang’s An Introduction to Applied Channel Theory (2016).

In August 2013, I was recognized by the Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association and Wang Ju-yi as an apprentice and official instructor of Applied Channel Theory.

In 2015, I was recognized as one of Wang Ju-yi’s indoor apprentices.

I received my Chinese medical license in 2016.  

Currently, I work at the Ling Lan TCM clinic in Beijing and I am an instructor at the Wang Ju-yi Applied Channel Theory Research Center.  I have been teaching Dr. Wang's methods in China and internationally since 2013.


Applied Channel Theory and Channel Palpation

Channel Theory

Channel Theory is integral to understanding how the body works in traditional Chinese medicine.

It combines an understanding of the physical location of the channels in the body with each channel's unique physiological function.

The channels can be viewed as  river systems, which irrigate the surrounding land and can be used for transportation of goods up and down the river. Within the body there are twelve main channels that connect the exterior of the body to the internal organs, which helps to regulate and balance many of the body's physiological functions.

As a result, by stimulating, regulating and harmonizing the channels it has therapeutic effects for a wide variety of illnesses. This is similar to the way dams, floodgates and reservoirs regulate natural river systems.


Channel Examination

Channel Examination is a classical method of physical examination that was used by ancient practitioners. The techniques were lost in recent centures, but fortunately revived by Dr. Wang Ju-yi over decades of clinical practice and scholarly research. 

It involves the careful examination of the different channels in the body, such as the palpation of the channel spaces. 

Channel examination provides the pracitioner with a better understanding of the patient's illness, which can lead to a more accurate diagnosis.


Acupuncture is an ancient form of treatment practiced by traditional Chinese medical practitioners. Over thousands of years of accumulated clinical experience,  unique channels were discovered in the body that have direct connections to the internal organs. In addition, along each channel on the surface of the body, unique points were also discovered. Stimulation of these points were discovered to have therapeutic effects on the body. Each point has its own distinct function too. 

Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into these points. Depending on the point stimulated, acupuncture can have the effect of strengthening, harmonizing, regulating or even draining the channel that is being treated.  

Acupuncture can treat disorders related to the exterior of the body, such as joint or muscle pain, but also internal disorders like gastritis or even psychological disorders, such as insomnia and anxiety.

Herbal Medicine
Common Disorders

Moxibustion is a traditional method of treatment used in TCM due its  warming properties.

Moxibustion involves the burning of a plant called mugwort. The plant is first dried up and then either rolled up like a cigar, or used in its loose form. 

When rolled up like a cigar, one end is burned, then held an inch or so above an acupuncture point. The heat warms the point. 

In other instances, moxibustion is used in its loose form, which involves rolling the mugwort into small balls. These are then placed either directly on the acupuncture point or on top of a slice of ginger, which acts as a barrier between the skin and the small ball of mugwort. The small ball is then burned, which can also stimulate the acupuncture point.


Herbal medicine in TCM also has thousands of years of history. 

Each herb has its own unique properties, as some herbs nourish blood, others have strong warming properties, while others can remove dampness. Each herb also is connected to a different organ and channel system. 

Different herbs are combined together according to the person's constitution, which are then brewed together to create a tonic.

These herbal tonics can treat a wide variety of illnesses. 


For my practice, my focus is on acupuncture. At times, I will also prescribe herbal medicine. 

In general, my belief is that through acupuncture imbalances in the channels can recover. Once the channels return to a state of balance, the symptoms that are causing the patient discomfort will usually also decrease. In the TCM classics it states that all illnesses can be reflected in the channels and can also be treated by the channels. In that sense, acupuncture can treat a wide variety of conditions.

As each patient is different, each treatment is tailored to the individual. At the same time, each patient will also respond differently to the treatment based on their consitution and the specific issue they are suffering from.

I treat a wide range of patients: gynaecological disorders, like menstrual cramps to irregular menstrual cycles; psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety and insomnia; gastro-instestinal tract disorders, such as constipation and abdominal bloating; skin disorders, like eczema and acne; headaches; and,  musculo-skeletal disorders, like joint pain (shoulder, knee, back pain) and muscle/tendon pain. 

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